Your body is unique
Your nutrition needs to be too.
A Personalised Food Plan
is the KEY
to your journey to wellness.
Make the decision today to activate your inner doctor.

You Are What You Eat
We've all heard the saying "You are what you eat". Today, more than ever, there is increasing focus on the role nutrition plays in the development of inflammation and chronic disease.
In my 13 years of clinical practice as a medical doctor, I've seen countless patients with health problems that a conventional medical approach is unable to resolve.
These include vitamin and mineral deficiencies, gut issues, skin problems, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, low energy, mood problems, menstrual irregularities, thyroid issues, menopausal symptoms and so on.
Whilst the conventional medical approach is excellent at identifying these problems and ruling out life threatening disease, medications and supplements can often only improve symptoms temporarily. I see many cases where the results are sub-optimal, or the patient ends up looking elsewhere for answers. Over several years, it has become increasingly clear to me that we simply aren't addressing the root cause of the problem: food.

Which Fuel Is Best For You?
The truth is, you can take all the expensive vitamins and supplements money can buy, but if you are not eating the right food your body needs to heal and thrive, you are unlikely to ever feel a true sense of "wellness".
Paleo , Ketogenic, Plant -based , Mediterranean-diet, Vegetarian, Vegan, Low Carb, Low FODMAP, Low Amine and Salicylate... and the list goes on.
What is the optimal nutritional approach for us as human beings, and which food is right FOR YOU?
Whilst each of these "diets" have their merits, there is no one-size- fits-all when it comes to nutrition. What works for one person may not necessarily benefit the next.
We are each uniquely different, with our own set of health issues, nutritional and energy requirements. You wouldn't put diesel in a petrol car or vice versa. Certain foods may exacerbate hormonal imbalances, inflammatory conditions, promote obesity and insulin resistance. However the right foods can work to resolve those same issues.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Perhaps you've dabbled in various "diets" but are yet to experience the health benefits you had hoped for. Everywhere you look, a different health expert is promoting a different way of eating as being the Holy Grail to wellness.
So what on Earth are you meant to eat?
Imagine if someone could perform a blood test and from that, generate a personalised food list suited to your body's specific needs. A food list with the potential for:
- healthy weight loss
- reduction of inflammation
- leveling out of hormonal imbalances
- improved mood, sleep and mental clarity
- reversal of Type 2 Diabetes/ Insulin resistance
- more energy
- a general sense of well being
Sound too good to be true?
Read on...